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Jennifer Schack

Jennifer Schack

Effective June 7, 2021

  • Reverend David Kobak, OFM, Parochial Vicar of St. Therese Little Flower, Cincinnati.

Effective June 29, 2021

  • Reverend Kyle Schnippel, Pastor of St. Peter, Huber Heights, Our Lady of the Rosary, and Holy Cross, Dayton.

Effective July 1, 2021

  • Bishop Joseph Binzer, Pastor of St. John Neumann and Corpus Christi, Cincinnati, while continuing as Program Coordinator: Services for Senior Clergy; Director of Health and Hospital Ministries; and Chaplain for the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati.
  • Reverend Zachary Cecil, Pastor of St. Teresa of Avila, and St. William, Cincinnati.
  • Reverend Christian A. Cone-Lombarte, Parochial Vicar of St. Ignatius Loyola, Cincinnati.
  • Reverend Michael Cordier, Pastor of St. Saviour, Sycamore Township, and St. John, Deer Park.
  • Reverend Aaron Hess, Parochial Vicar of Holy Angels, Sidney and faculty, Lehman High School.
  • Reverend Andrew Hess, Pastor of St. Henry Cluster, which includes St. Aloysius, Carthagena, St. Bernard, Burkettsville, St. Francis, Cranberry Prairie, St. Wendelin, St. Wendelin, and St. Henry, St. Henry.
  • Reverend Edward Hoffmann, Parochial Vicar of St. Julie Billiart, St. Joseph, and St. Peter in Chains, Hamilton.
  • Reverend Henry O. Hoffmann, C.O., Parochial Vicar of Old St. Mary’s Parish and Sacred Heart Parish, Cincinnati.
  • Reverend Louis Jacquemin, Parochial Vicar of St. Henry Cluster which includes, St. Aloysius, Carthagena, St. Bernard, Burkettsville, St. Francis, Cranberry Prairie, St. Wendelin, St. Wendelin and St. Henry, St. Henry.
  • Reverend Michael Kapolka, Parochial Vicar of Ft. Recovery Cluster which includes Mary Help of Christians, Fr. Recovery, St. Paul, Sharpsburg, St. Joseph, St. Joseph and St. Peter, St. Peter.
  • Reverend Anthony Marcelli, Parochial Vicar of St. Cecilia, St. Margaret-St. John, Cincinnati, and St. Anthony, Madisonville,
  • Reverend John MacQuarrie, Pastor of St. Joseph, St. Raphael, Springfield, St. Charles Borromeo, South Charleston, while continuing as Pastor of St. Bernard and St. Teresa, Springfield.
  • Reverend K. Scott Morgan, Parochial Vicar of St. Teresa of Avila and St. William, Cincinnati.
  • Reverend Elijah Puthoff, Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph, St. Raphael, Springfield, St. Charles Borromeo, South Charleston, St. Bernard and St. Teresa, Springfield
  • Reverend Brent L. Stull, C.O., Parochial Vicar of Old St. Mary’s Parish and Sacred Heart Parish, Cincinnati.
  • Reverend Jacob Willig, Chaplain to the Miami University Newman Center/St. Mary’s Catholic Campus Ministry, Oxford.
  • Reverend Barry M. Windholtz, Parochial Administrator of Holy Cross-Immaculata, Cincinnati, while continuing as Pastor of St. Rose, Cincinnati.

Effective July 15, 2021

  • Reverend Jordan Kelly, O.P., Parochial Vicar of St. Gertrude, Madeira.

The following priests have been renewed in their current assignment: 

  • Reverend Martin Bachman, Pastor of St. Ann, Williamsburg, Holy Trinity, Batavia, St. Louis, Owensville, and St. Philomena, Stonelick.
  • Reverend Ned Brown, Pastor, Ft. Recovery Cluster
  • Reverend Paul Gebhardt, Pastor, Our Lady of Sorrows, Monroe, and Holy Name of Jesus, Trenton.
  • Reverend Gerard Hiland, Pastor, St. Bartholomew, and St. Vivian, Cincinnati.
  • Reverend Thomas Mannebach, Pastor, Good Shepherd, Cincinnati.
  • Reverend Thomas Nevel, Pastor, Mary, Help of Christians, Fairborn, and Sacred Heart, New Carlisle.
  • Reverend Michael Paraniuk, Pastor, St. Benignus, Greenfield, while continuing as Pastor of St. Mary, Hillsboro.
  • Reverend Edward Pratt, Pastor of Ascension, Kettering.
  • Reverend Matthew Robben, Pastor of Our Lady of the Valley, Reading.
  • Reverend Reynaldo Taylor, Pastor of St. Joseph, Cincinnati.
  • Reverend Andrew Umberg, Pastor of St. Joseph, North Bend.
  • Reverend Bernard Weldishofer, Pastor of St. Francis de Sales, Lebanon, and St. Philip the Apostle, Morrow.
  • Reverend Christopher Worland, Pastor of St. Albert the Great, Kettering.

Retirement from active ministry

  • Reverend Leonard Fecko, Pastor, Holy Cross-Immaculata, effective July 1, 2021.
  • Reverend Michael Bidwell, Pastor, St. Teresa of Avila and St. William, effective July 1, 2021

Appointment of new deans for the Cathedral Deanery and St. Margaret Mary Deanery

Archbishop Schnurr has appointed Father Jan Schmidt as the Dean of the Cathedral Deanery and Father Earl Fernandes as the Dean of the St. Margaret Mary Deanery. Father Schmidt’s appointment became effective May 1, 2021 and Fr. Fernandes’ appointment becomes effective July 1, 2021.


In Nomine Domini

Whereas, an alleged apparition of our Lady occurred in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati during a birthday party in honor of the Blessed Mother. A picture with a Polaroid camera was taken with balloons released into the air and it is said that a woman appeared in the photo. The person who received the photo from the gentleman who took it indicated that the image of the woman has come to be known as “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” Three purported visionaries are said to receive messages from our Lady under the title of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” This alleged apparition is being promoted in the United States, as well as in foreign countries.

The merit of this presumed apparition has not been judged according to the criteria found in the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith’s document titled, Norms Regarding the Manner of Proceeding in the Discernment of Presumed Apparitions and Revelations.

An examination of the presumed apparition would be required before it would be permitted to have any public or private manifestation of cult or devotion and ecclesiastical authority would then oversee this with great prudence.

Whereas, an examination of the alleged apparition has not been undertaken, this Decree is issued in order to avoid any scandal or wonderment to the faithful. It is not permitted to have any public or private manifestation of cult or of devotion to Our Lady under the title of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy,” unless an examination of the presumed apparition results in a favorable conclusion.


Given at the Chancery Office

Archdiocese of Cincinnati

June 22, 2021


Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr

Archbishop of Cincinnati


Reverend Steve J. Angi



Decree from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati 6.22.21

June 22, 2021

Dear Friends in Christ,

I would like to share with the faithful the following statement regarding the vote that took place at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Spring Meeting on Friday, June 18, concerning the decision to draft a formal statement on the meaning of the Eucharist in the life of the Church.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Vote to Write a Document on the Meaning of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church

Statement of Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

June 21, 2021

“Last week, my brother bishops and I voted overwhelmingly to issue a teaching document on the beauty and power of the Eucharist. The doctrine committee of the bishops’ conference will now begin drafting this document and, in the months ahead, the bishops will continue our prayer and discernment through a series of regional meetings and consultations. In November, the bishops will gather to discuss the document draft.

“The Eucharist is the heart of the Church and the heart of our lives as Catholics. In the Holy Eucharist, Jesus Christ himself draws near to each one of us personally and gathers us together as one family of God and one Body of Christ.

“As bishops, our desire is to deepen our people’s awareness of this great mystery of faith, and to awaken their amazement at this divine gift, in which we have communion with the living God. That is our pastoral purpose in writing this document.

“I invite everyone in the Church to pray for the bishops as we continue our dialogues and reflections. I pray that this will be a time for all of us in the Church to reflect on our own faith and readiness to receive our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.”

Please join us in praying that all Catholics seek personal conversion of heart in their reception of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Sincerely in Christ,

The Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr

Archbishop of Cincinnati

June 18, 2021

Dear Friends in Christ,

As Catholics, we believe that all life, given by God, has immutable dignity that can never be taken away. This belief is challenged in many ways – one of which – the State of Ohio’s continued use of the death penalty as a form of punishment in our criminal justice system. But there is hope, the Ohio General Assembly has introduced two bills – HB 183 and SB 103 – which would end capital punishment in our state.

The following was released this week from the Catholic Conference of Ohio, to which I am the chair, in support of SB 103:



June 16, 2021

Testimony in support of SB 103:

Ending Ohio’s Death Penalty

Chair Manning, Vice Chair McColley, ranking Minority Member Thomas and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, my name is Jim Tobin and I am an associate director with the Catholic Conference of Ohio. The Catholic bishops of Ohio urge your support for SB 103.

My advocacy on this issue began in 1978 shortly after Ohio’s death penalty law was declared unconstitutional, and the legislature began debate on what is now the framework for the current law.

About that same time, the bishops of Ohio issued a statement stating that more destruction of human life through capital punishment would not enhance people’s respect for the sacredness of the life of every person. Since then, our Conference has issued six more statements. Over the years our opposition has grown stronger and clearer.

We now unequivocally state that the death penalty should no longer be used – that it is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person – and that we should work with determination for its abolition worldwide.

Over the years I have had the privilege to join voices with the Ohio Council of Churches, the Jewish Federation, several interfaith coalitions and many evangelical churches in advocating an end to the death penalty. Our Conference was a founding member of Ohioans to Stop Executions.

Today, the Catholic Conference of Ohio is pleased to join the other witnesses in support of this re-introduction of a death penalty abolition bill. We thank Senator Antonio and Senator Steve Huffman for being the primary sponsors, while also thanking the nine additional co-sponsors. (Thank you Senators Antani and Thomas).  With each introduction, legislative support, as well as public support, for abolition has grown.

Faith traditions often reference “times” and “seasons.”  It is our hope that this is the time, and this is the season for ending the death penalty. Other states and other countries have found effective ways to protect society by justly punishing offenders through non-lethal means. Ohio should do the same.

We look forward to the day when the death penalty is only remembered as part of Ohio’s history.


Let us join together in praying that our state leaders will pass the current legislation ending the use of the death penalty and thanking those who are leading this important effort to end such a tragic affront to human dignity.


Sincerely in Christ,

The Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr

Archbishop of Cincinnati



Jennifer Schack

Director of Media Relations

Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Office | 513.263.6618

Cell | 859.512.5626

[email protected]


W H A T | Bicentennial Anniversary Celebration of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

W H E N | Saturday, June 19, 2021

W H E R E | Cincinnati, OH


Release Date:  June 15, 2021


On Saturday, June 19, 2021, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Church of Cincinnati. The Diocese of Cincinnati was erected in 1821 as the 9th diocese in the now defined United States. At the founding, the newly created Diocese of Cincinnati encompassed Ohio, Michigan and even parts of Wisconsin. Today the archdiocese is comprised of 19 counties in western and southwestern Ohio and more than 440,000 Catholics. Join us in celebrating our bicentennial:


Bicentennial Marian Pilgrimage: Ongoing

The longest Marian Pilgrimage in the U.S. is weaving through Cincinnati before coming to an end this Saturday. The bicentennial Marian Pilgrimage began on May 16 in Russells Point, Ohio. Pilgrims have already walked more than 300 miles! Over the last nearly 30 days, thousands of faithful and hundreds of volunteers have participated in events and carried a statue of the Blessed Mother on a pilgrimage that will culminate with the Mass of Thanksgiving and Bicentennial Celebration on Fountain Square in Cincinnati on Saturday, June 19. The media are invited to join the pilgrimage this week. Contact Jennifer Schack if interested. To learn more about the pilgrimage visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/marianpilgrimage2021 and www.Mary2021.org.


Bicentennial Mass: 11 a.m. Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, Sat. June 19

A Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving on the Bicentennial Anniversary of the Founding of the Church of Cincinnati will be celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains on Saturday June 19 at 11 a.m. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Dennis. M. Schnurr. The public and media are invited to attend. At the conclusion of the Mass Archbishop Schnurr will reconsecrate the archdiocese to Mary through Jesus.


Family Concert: 12 p.m.- 4 p.m. Fountain Square, Sat. June 19

At 12 p.m. the reconsecration of the archdiocese will be live-streamed from the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains. Following the broadcast multicultural performances, choirs and food trucks will entertain the crowd through the afternoon. All are invited to join the celebration.


Books written to celebrate the bicentennial:

Three books have been written to celebrate the 200 years of faith in the archdiocese.

  1. Seeking the Lordis an engaging illustrated history of the Archdiocese suitable for children and adults alike.
  2. Treasuresis a celebration of the great beauty of many of the churches and other holy places across the Archdiocese.
  3. A Bicentennial History of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati explores the people and places of one of the nation’s oldest dioceses and the legacy of two hundred years of Catholic faith in Southwest Ohio and beyond.

Media copies of the books are available upon request and authors are available for media interviews.


More information about the bicentennial celebration: https://200.catholicaoc.org/

Images for media use: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oz7gifalupod4rj/AAAOX6FLrPpiy1_wygXNcIAYa?dl=0



The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the 44th largest Catholic diocese in the country, with more than 440,000 Catholics, and has the fifth largest Catholic school system in terms of enrollment with more than 40,000 students.  The 19-county territory includes 211 parishes and 111 Catholic primary and secondary schools.

Reverend Timothy S. Bunch died on Monday, June 14, 2021, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born on September 9, 1952, in Indianapolis, Indiana. He received his B.A. in Philosophy from St. Gregory Seminary in 1975 and his M.Div. in Theology from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, Norwood, in 1979. He was ordained on June 16, 1979, at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral by Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin.

Father Bunch received his first assignment on July 6, 1979, as Associate at St. Therese, Little Flower Parish, Cincinnati. On July 16, 1982, he was appointed Associate at Holy Angels Parish, Dayton. On July 1, 1983, he was appointed Associate at St. Vivian Parish, Cincinnati, where he served until January 1987, when he was appointed Associate of St. Catharine Parish, Cincinnati. On April 4, 1988 Father Bunch was appointed Director of the Office of Priestly Formation and Assistant Director of the Office of Priests’ Personnel, while continuing his work at St. Catharine Parish. On August 4, 1988, he was appointed to be in-residence at St. James of the Valley Parish, Wyoming, while continuing as Director of the Office of Priestly Formation and Assistant Director of the Office of Priests’ Personnel. On January 10, 1989, he was appointed Chaplain at Mount St. Joseph Motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity, Cincinnati. During his years of ministry, Father Bunch served as Temporary Administrator of the following parishes: St. Andrew Parish, Milford (1991); St. Aloysius Parish, Shandon (2006); and Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Monroe (2009). He also served as Pastor of the following parishes: St. Michael Parish, Fort Loramie (1991-1999); St. Peter in Chains Parish, Hamilton (1999-2010); St. Saviour Parish, Sycamore Township [Cincinnati], (2010-2019); and St. John the Evangelist Parish, Deer Park (2016-2019). Father Bunch also served as Dean for the Hamilton Deanery, (2006-2010), Dean of the St. Andrew Deanery, (2011-2014), and was appointed as a member of the College of Consultors for five years (1995-2000). Father Bunch retired July 1, 2019.


Reception of the Body: Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. at St. Saviour Church, 4136 Myrtle Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236; (513-791-9004). Celebrant: Reverend Bernard J. Weldishofer; Homilist: Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer.Visitation:  until 8:00 p.m. and on Friday morning, June 18, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. until time of Funeral Mass.

Mass of Christian Burial: Friday, June 18, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. at St. Saviour Church. Celebrant: Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer. Homilist: Reverend James Korda.

Burial: Friday, June 18, 2021, immediately following the Mass of Christian Burial in Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 11000 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45249. Celebrant: Reverend Bernard J. Weldishofer.

A Luncheon will be served in St. Saviour’s Undercroft following the Funeral Mass.

Reverend William Henry Wysong passed away on June 7, 2021, in Montgomery, Ohio. He was born on June 19, 1946 in Springfield, Ohio. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary, Cincinnati and studied philosophy and theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West. He received a Master’s in Special Education from the University of Cincinnati, a J.C. L. in 1997 from Catholic University of America in Washington , D.C and a Master’s in Biblical Studies from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in 2003. He was ordained on May 27, 1972 at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral by Archbishop Paul F. Leibold.

Father Wysong received his first assignment on June 15, 1972, as Assistant at St. Rita Church, Dayton, in addition to part-time teacher at Carroll High School and to work with the deaf in the Dayton area. In May 1973, he was appointed to full-time studies in Deaf Education at the University of Cincinnati, followed by a pro tem assignment of Associate Pastor of St. Jude, effective June 20, 1973. On August 22, 1973 Father Wysong was appointed to be in residence at St. Rita School for the Deaf. In June 1974, he was appointed Chaplain of Mount Notre Dame Convent, while continuing at St. Rita School for the Deaf. In August 1995, he was appointed to part-time work at the Tribunal Office while continuing his ministry at St. Rita School for the Deaf. Father Wysong retired as a member of the faculty of St. Rita School for the Deaf on June 30, 2019, however he decided to remain in full-time ministry for another year at St. Rita School for the deaf where he also offered to continue mentoring to Br. Paulinus. Father Wysong’s retirement from active ministry became effective. June 30, 2020.


Vigil Service: Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. at St. Rita School for the Deaf Gymnasium, 1720 Glendale-Milford Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45215; 513-771-7600. Celebrant and Homilist: Reverend Bernard J. Weldishofer. Visitation until 8:00 p.m.

Mass of Christian Burial: Friday, June 11, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains. Celebrant: Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr; Homilist: Reverend Michael Depcik, OSFS.

Burial: Friday, June 11, 2021, immediately following the Mass of Christian Burial in Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 11000 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45249. Celebrant: Reverend Bernard J. Weldishofer.

Reception Luncheon: Friday, June 11, 2021 immediately following burial at St. Rita School for the Deaf.

With great joy and gratitude, this month the Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrates the 200th anniversary of our founding as a diocese by Pope Pius VII on June 19, 1821. In doing so, we reflect on our rich history. At the same time, we look ahead to a future that will be different, but full of promise if we remain faithful to our promises as God’s people.

Catholics are probably more aware of being members of a parish than members of a diocese. The parish is where we encounter Christ in the Eucharist and in our fellow communicants on a week-to-week or even a daily basis. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI called the parish “a beacon that radiates the light of faith.” For that, the parish is indispensable. And yet, the diocese – under the leadership of its bishop in union with the pope – is the basic unit of the Church.  The Second Vatican Council’s Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church says the diocese “constitutes a particular church in which the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church of Christ is truly present and active.” That is why a diocese is referred to as “the local Church.”

Our local Church, which spans 8,500 square miles over 19 counties of Western and Southwestern Ohio, has a coat of arms with deep significance that may not be immediately obvious. The crest features stylized images of a plow and three crosses. The plow represents the ancient Roman farmer-general Cincinnatus, who famously left his plow and farm to lead Rome’s army against its enemies, and then returned home afterwards rather than assume political power. The three crosses have sharpened feet for planting in the earth, and budded tips burgeoning with new life. Taken together, these two elements of our diocesan crest signify that we are a people called to work our land for the growth of the Gospel.

This task is not, nor has it ever been, exclusively for those called to the priesthood, diaconate or religious life. It is the primary vocation of every member of the Church established by our Lord, Jesus Christ. As I wrote in my bicentennial pastoral letter, Radiate Christ: “We all have a role to play in the present and future of the Church, even as our parents and grandparents had a part to play in the Church’s past. None of us is superfluous, disposable or unimportant. God has given each of us something specific to contribute … Our local Church will only be the instrument God intends it to be if each of us seeks the face of the Lord, is converted to Him and allows Jesus to work through us – in short, if we each radiate Christ!”

With the decline of religious practice in this increasingly secular age, we are tempted to echo the words of Jesus: “But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Lk 18:8). Yes, He will! Our faith in Christ is alive! We see that lived out every day in homes, schools, offices and even recreation. It has been my hope that the call to Radiate Christ will focus each of us ever more intentionally on our own roles in building up the Body of Christ.

On June 19 we celebrate the 200 years of faith since the establishment of our local Church, but the depth of our faith is far more important than the number of years. May our faith always remain strong and may we radiate the love of Christ to all whom we encounter every day.

Mary, Mother of the Church and our Mother, pray for our local Church as we begin our 201st year of faith!

Release Date:  May 28, 2021

New Executive Director for the Catholic Conference of Ohio

The Catholic Conference of Ohio, to which Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr is the chair, released the following announcement today:



May 28, 2021

For Immediate Release

For Information: Carolyn Jurkowitz, Executive Director


Jerry Freewalt named Executive Director for the Catholic Conference of Ohio

The Board of Directors of the Catholic Conference of Ohio is pleased to announce the appointment of Jerry Freewalt as the Conference’s new Executive Director.

Jerry comes to the Conference from the Diocese of Columbus, where he currently serves as Director of the Office for Social Concerns, a post he has held since 2018.  During his twenty-six years in the Office for Social Concerns, Jerry has been engaged in public policy at the local, state, and national levels.  He has a strong background in advocacy and programming related to respect for life, poverty, hunger, agriculture, immigration, prison ministry, human trafficking, death penalty, persons with disabilities, international assistance, care for creation and other issues related to charity and social justice.

Freewalt was an integral advocate for the Multi-System Youth Custody Relinquishment Fund that was enacted in the 2019-20 state budget and is currently advocating for the establishment of the OhioRISE Medicaid managed care program in Ohio’s next state budget.  When approved, this $1 billion program will assist 60,000 youth with complex behavioral health needs.

Jerry serves on the OhioRISE Advisory Board, the Ohio Children’s Behavioral Health Prevention Network Stakeholder Group, and the Advisory Board of J.O.I.N. (Joint Organization for Inner-City Needs).  He previously chaired the Board of the Directors for the National Catholic Partnership on Disability, as well as the Catholic Conference of Ohio’s Department of Social Concerns.

He has a master’s degree in Public Policy and Management from the Ohio State University and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Xavier University in Cincinnati.   He and his wife, Karen, have three children.  They are members of St. Margaret of Cortona Parish in Columbus.

In announcing the appointment, Archbishop Dennis Schnurr stated, “Jerry’s dedication and experience in service to the Church have been recognized nationally, statewide, and throughout the Columbus Diocese.  The Bishops of Ohio look forward to his leadership as the Conference’s new executive director.”

“I am honored to have the opportunity to use my gifts as executive director,” said Freewalt. “I look forward to living out my vocation in this new role as a voice for the Church in advancing the common good.”

Jerry succeeds Carolyn Jurkowitz, who is retiring from the Conference after thirty-four years. He will assume his new position on August 1.

The Catholic Conference of Ohio is the official representative for the Catholic Bishops of Ohio in matters of public policy.


The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the 44th largest Catholic diocese in the country, with more than 440,000 Catholics, and has the fifth largest Catholic school system in terms of enrollment with more than 40,000 students.  The 19-county territory includes 211 parishes and 111 Catholic primary and secondary schools.



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