Grow in Love of God
This world in which we live, which is at times beautiful and capable of stirring in us wonder of the divine, is clearly not the world God intended it to be. Every human being is searching for meaning and fulfillment in this world wounded by sin. That fulfillment, that perfect satisfaction and happiness for which we were created, is only found in relationship with God.
Growing in knowledge and love of God is essential to finding the true happiness for which we were created.
To find opportunities for prayer and worship, check the Mass times around the archdiocese. To grow in faith, explore Catholicism.

Participate in the life of the Church
You might not always think of it this way, but our immediate experience of the Church is almost always through the people closest to us. We first experience the Church through our families: parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and extended family. Secondly, we experience the Church through our friends, neighbors, coworkers, teams and classmates. God has placed these people in our lives for a reason—to build up each other.
Jesus told us, “Where two or three have met together in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20). Through our participation in the life of the Church—celebrating the sacraments, listening to the Word of God revealed in the Scriptures and Church teaching, and maintaining fellowship with one another—we become the one family of God.
To grow closer to your family in faith, start by contacting your parish about faith formation, prayer, ministry and volunteer opportunities. Find a parish
To participate in the Church’s ministry of charity, reach out to one or more of these Catholic service organizations about getting involved:
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