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Jennifer Schack

Jennifer Schack

W H A T | Opening of Jubilee Year 2025

W H E N | Sunday December 29, 2024, at 4 P.M. Mass

W H E R E | Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains: 325 W. 8th St., Cincinnati OH

Release Date:  December 27, 2024

Pope Francis Opens Jubilee Year 2025; Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr to Open Jubilee Year in Archdiocese of Cincinnati

On December 24, 2024, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, inaugurating the Ordinary Jubilee, a historic event that takes places every 25 years in the Catholic Church. The celebration of Jubilee 2025 will continue through the closing of this historic door on January 6, 2026. The theme for Jubilee 2025 is “Pilgrims of Hope”.

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr will open the Jubilee Year in communion with dioceses around the world, during a Solemn Rite and Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains in Cincinnati on Sunday, December 29, at a 4 p.m. The faithful will first gather in the undercroft (basement) of the Cathedral Basilica. After introductory prayers and readings, the congregation will process to the main worship space of the Cathedral Basilica for the celebration of Mass.

During the procession, the faithful will follow a newly created Jubilee Cross. As instructed by the Holy Father, a special cross of “historical-artistic value” will mark the opening of the Jubilee. This Jubilee Cross has been created for this special year of Jubilee 2025. While the Cross and shaft have been crafted to match the processional crosses used by the Cathedral Basilica, the corpus (figure of Christ) holds particular historical significance. The corpus is the original corpus mounted in the sanctuary of the Cathedral Basilica at is dedication in 1845. It hung in the Cathedral Basilica until the church was renovated in the 1950s. This Jubilee Cross will displayed in the sanctuary of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel (south side of Cathedral Basilica) throughout the Jubilee Year.

A Jubilee Year is a special time in the Church’s tradition, encouraging holiness through acts of reconciliation and communion with our brothers and sisters. Seeking forgiveness and growing in repentance are special fruits to cultivate during a Jubilee Year.  Special locations of prayer – sacred Jubilee sites – have been designated for the Jubilee Year in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. These include the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains in Cincinnati, Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics in Maria Stein and Emmanuel Church in Dayton.

For more information about Jubilee Year 2025 and local celebrations, please visit https://catholicaoc.org/jubilee-2025.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the 45th largest Catholic diocese in the country, with nearly 440,000 Catholics, and has the fifth largest Catholic school system in terms of enrollment with more than 40,000 students.  The 19-county territory includes 199 canonical parishes organized into 57 Families of Parishes, and 108 Catholic primary and secondary schools.


Jennifer Schack

Director of Media Relations

Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Office | 513.263.6618

Cell | 859.512.5626

[email protected]


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October 28, 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

God’s blessings to you and your family.  I write to you today to convey a difficult decision regarding our longstanding partnership with Girl Scouts in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.  After consultation with the archdiocesan Presbyteral Council and Deans, and with the recommendation of key archdiocesan leaders, I have instructed pastors of the archdiocese to discontinue their parishes’ partnerships with the Girl Scouts.

Scouting is fundamentally good – it builds virtue, discipline and community.  It helps form responsible, well-rounded citizens.  Scouting has a strong, multi-generational heritage in our country, one associated with positive values and memories.  Scouting can be an efficacious part of Catholic youth ministry, espousing a way of life congruent with the Gospel, as it has in our own archdiocese for decades.  Many of you have served as scout leaders, faithfully helping young people incorporate the values and lessons traditionally associated with scouting into their lives.  I am deeply grateful for your dedication to this calling.

Unfortunately, in recent years, Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) has embraced and promoted an impoverished worldview regarding gender and sexuality. Through some of their activities, resources, badges and awards, Girl Scouts – including the local chapter, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio – has contributed to normalizing a sexual and gender ideology contrary to the Catholic understanding of the human person made male and female in the image and likeness of God.  Our greatest responsibility as the Catholic Church is fidelity to the Gospel and sharing the saving mission of Christ.  It is therefore essential that all youth programs at our parishes and schools affirm virtues and values consistent with the teaching of Jesus Christ.  The Archdiocese of Cincinnati cannot partner with an organization that, from its highest level, advocates ideas which the Church considers false and harmful.

Please know that this decision has not been made lightly.  It only comes after extensive research and interaction with leaders of the Girl Scouts of Western Ohio.  We have attempted to mitigate the influence of GSUSA at the local level; however, despite mutually respectful discussions and communication with the Girl Scouts of Western Ohio over the past two years, we have been unable to agree on an acceptable path forward.

The timetable for the conclusion of the partnership with the Girl Scouts will extend over the next 14 months out of respect for the decisions and steps that will need to be taken by those impacted.  By the end of calendar year 2025, every Girl Scout troop currently operating on any Catholic campus must: (1) convert to an American Heritage Girls troop; (2) find another location at which to meet; or (3) disband.  In the meantime, no new Girl Scout troops may be established, and Girl Scouts may not be featured or promoted as an official ministry or extracurricular activity of any Catholic parish or school in the archdiocese.

More information on this matter, including how to start or convert to an American Heritage Girls troop, can be found at https://catholicaoc.org/girl-scouts.

While this development is difficult to share, it does not diminish my profound respect and appreciation for the many Girl Scout leaders in our archdiocese who have faithfully served our youth.  Your mentorship has made a difference in the lives of many and I am very grateful for your service.

Please join me in praying for the renewal of our culture and country through the good news of Jesus Christ and the intercession of our Blessed Mother.

                                                                       Sincerely yours in Christ,

                                                                       Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr

                                                                       Archbishop of Cincinnati

Deacon Milton “Skip” Royer, a deacon of the Archdiocese, died on October 7, 2024 at the age of 86. Deacon Skip was ordained by Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati on September 25, 1976, the very first permanent ordination class in the Archdiocese. He served the Archdiocese as a permanent deacon for forty-eight years.

Upon his ordination, Deacon Skip was assigned to Corpus Christi Parish in Dayton. He served there for twenty-one years, including serving as pastoral administrator of the parish for a period in 1988. He was reassigned by Archbishop Pilarczyk to Queen of Martyrs Parish, Dayton, in 1998. In 2008, his assignment was expanded to include Queen of Martyrs, Corpus Christi and Our Lady of Mercy parishes, as they combined into one pastoral region. He remained assigned to these parishes throughout the remainder of his ministry.

Deacon Skip leaves his wife, Wanda, to whom he was married for 60 years. He also leaves their four children and their spouses, fourteen grandchildren and twenty-two great-grandchildren.

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It is said that we should never stop learning. Every day presents us with opportunities to learn more about ourselves and the world in which we live. God also is constantly working to draw us deeper into the truth of who He is and who He created us to be. This is the foundational principle of Catholic education, which seeks to form every dimension of the person according to God’s design.

The word “educate” derives from Latin words meaning “to draw out from.” Parents, teachers and professors draw out from within their children and students their God-given gifts and talents. They assist young people in understanding the world and how it functions so that they can discern their vocational call and thereby best put their gifts and talents to work in service of the greater human community. The work of Catholic education is very much about preparing young people to engage in society, not just as active, generous contributors, but also as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Well-formed and educated disciples have the opportunity and responsibility to bring Gospel values into their workplaces and social circles. By living a compelling life, they can draw others to seek relationship with Jesus: to know Him, love Him and follow Him.

As we begin the third year of the National Eucharistic Revival, it is fitting to remind ourselves that Catholic education, like every aspect of our lives, is caught up in the mystery of the Eucharist. We believe that the Eucharist – the Real Presence of Jesus – is the source and summit of our faith from which everything else derives its meaning and receives its purpose. Through the lens of the mysteries of creation, fall, incarnation, redemption and salvation – which are all drawn together in the gift of the Eucharist – we are better able to understand God’s purpose for the world and our lives in it. We give our entire lives to God in each celebration of the Eucharist, and God Himself draws out our full potential as men and women created in His image and likeness, and to whom He has entrusted stewardship of His creation. A Catholic education equips us for fulfilling this responsibility.

None of this is possible without dedicated parents who take seriously their vocation as the primary educators of their children. Catholic school teachers and staff members faithfully and generously assist parents in forming and educating their children. Behind the scenes, there are also many women and men, laity and clergy, who work to enable our Catholic schools to pursue this important mission. Chief among these is the superintendent of Catholic schools.

For the 2023-24 academic year, Kathy Kane served as interim superintendent of Catholic schools, and she did an outstanding job fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of that role while we searched for a permanent superintendent. Matt Daniels accepted that position and took over as superintendent of Catholic schools on July 1. Matt comes to us after serving nearly six years as senior director of Catholic education for the Diocese of Toledo, and I am confident that his experience and leadership will be of great benefit for the teachers and administrators who help educate and form students in the Catholic schools throughout this archdiocese.

Please join me in thanking Kathy for her dedicated service, and in welcoming Matt into his new role. May God bless them and all the Catholic school educators in our archdiocese with the graces they need to be faithful minsters to the young people entrusted to their care.

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As you read this, thousands of our brothers and sisters in Christ are on pilgrimage, walking from various regions of our country to meet for the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. This July 17-21, faithful from across the country will joyfully gather at Lucas Oil Stadium with hopes of deepening their faith in the great gift of our Lord’s own Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

Whether or not we are able to participate in person at the Eucharistic Congress, it will still be a period of grace for the entire Church. The union we experience in the Church is more profound than simply being together in the same physical location as other believers. By our common baptism and shared faith in the Lord, the bonds of unity among the faithful surpass the limits of space and time. Over the centuries, artists have sought to give form to this reality by depicting the Church as a great procession of believers – women and men of “every nation, race, people, and tongue” (cf. Rev. 7:9) – all moving on pilgrimage toward heaven. We walk toward eternity together, each making our unique contribution for the good of the whole, and each benefiting from the spiritual gifts which God pours out on all His children, wherever they may be.

This union we share as a Church is fundamental to our life as Christians. Together, we journey back to the God who created us. We need one another; this is why Christ gave us the Church. Each of us contributes our gifts and talents for the benefit of the whole faith community. Our journey to heaven is an extended spiritual pilgrimage. With others at our side, we move toward a common destination: the fullness and perfection of life with God forever.

At the end of this month, I will celebrate the 50th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. It is an occasion to reflect on the vocational journey to which God has called me over the course of these years. Following this path has led me to many unexpected places, and I have had opportunities and met people along the way whom I never could have imagined while growing up in rural Iowa. With gratitude, I reflect on the many ways I have witnessed God work through the Church and shower His transformative grace upon His people in diverse circumstances and situations. None of this would be possible if there hadn’t been others at my side with a shared desire to work for God’s glory and the good of His people. Together, and with the grace of God, we can accomplish much.

An integral aspect of the Christian life is this movement toward what lies beyond. We are people of hope, always striving to share in the salvation Christ made possible for us. In eternity, we will behold the face of God in all its glory, and in knowing God perfectly we will also experience the perfection of our own being. This is why I chose as my episcopal motto a line from Psalm 105, “Seek the face of the Lord.” These inspired words have motivated pilgrims across the centuries as they journeyed together toward a holy shrine.

In all things, God calls us to discover His presence and purpose, to keep moving closer to Him, both in this life and for all eternity. May He grant us the grace to persevere toward that goal on this pilgrimage we call life – together in Christ Jesus our Lord!

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The last Sunday in January marks the kick-off of National Catholic Schools Week, a time set aside by dioceses throughout our country to highlight the importance of faithful, integral Catholic formation and education to the salvific mission of the Church. During this week we also celebrate the feast days of two saints whose legacies are significant for Catholic education. On January 28, we remember the life and work of St. Thomas Aquinas, a brilliant theologian and philosopher of the late Middle Ages, who is the patron saint of students and educators. Then on January 31, we celebrate the feast day of St. John Bosco, a 19th century priest who dedicated himself to working with youth, especially the poor and troubled. Even though they lived centuries ago, these two saints are no less relevant for illuminating the true nature of Catholic education.

St. Thomas Aquinas immersed himself in studies of various academic disciplines: history, philosophy, theology, ethics and physics. He loved learning because he understood that “all the sciences and arts are ordained to one thing, namely, to man’s perfection, which is happiness” (Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Prologue).

The purpose of Catholic education is to help us achieve our fullest potential as humans, which is eternal happiness with God forever in heaven. In his writings, St. Thomas showed how reason and faith coexist and, in fact, support and enhance each other. They are not two opposed fields of knowledge but, as Pope St. John Paul II would later say, “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth” (Fides et Ratio). The various arts and sciences are pathways for growing closer to God since students learn in these the endless wonders of His creation. This understanding of education as pursuit of the fullness of truth continues to be a foundational principle of our Catholic schools.

Like other schools, Catholic schools “through an organized and systematized teaching activity, offer a culture aimed at the integral education of individuals” (The Identity of the Catholic School for a Culture of Dialogue, n. 19). However, Catholic schools have a unique identity, their “reference to a Christian concept of life centered on Jesus Christ” (n. 20). In fact, “the personal relationship with Christ enables the believer to look at the whole of reality in a radically new way, granting the Church an ever-renewed identity, with a view to fostering in the school communities adequate responses to the fundamental questions for every woman and man” (n. 20). Catholic schools provide the setting where an individual’s relationship with Jesus Christ is not only fostered spiritually, but also becomes the starting point for learning about the world in which we live and how we each can make our contribution to it.

With wisdom that still benefits us today, St. John Bosco said, “If we want to have a good society, we must concentrate all our forces on the Christian education of the young. Experience has taught me that if we wish to sustain civil society then we should take good care of the young.” Our Catholic schools, then, have the capacity to greatly shape the culture of our communities and society at large. They are the places where Christ, who is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (Jn. 14:6), continues to be the Teacher around whom His disciples gather to know, love and follow Him throughout this life and into the next.


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On Christmas morning, in the opening prayer of the Mass at Dawn, e ask God to allow the light of faith, which radiates from the incarnate Word, to shine through in our deeds. This prayer reminds us of a beautiful truth: the gift of our faith is not something we keep to ourselves; rather, having received the very life of God within our souls, He then calls us to share that divine goodness with others.

Jesus Christ is the model of such self-giving. Out of love for us, with nothing to gain for Himself, He entered into our human nature and offered Himself for our redemption from sin. During the season of Advent, we prepare ourselves to celebrate this mystery at Christmas. Christ’s birth into this world invites us to renew our awareness of the humble nature of God’s saving love and His desire to reveal the truth of our humanity by becoming human Himself.

The Lord, who has given us everything out of love, asks us, in turn, to give of ourselves for others. We live in a world desperately in need of love. Our faith invites us to put the love we have received from God into action, thereby recognizing the inherent dignity of each person created in the image and likeness of God. The Church has outlined the 14 Works of Mercy, the practical, time-honored ways we can put our love into action. The Corporal Works of Mercy are to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the imprisoned, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, and bury the dead. The Spiritual Works of Mercy are to instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, admonish the sinner, bear wrongs patiently, forgive others, comfort the afflicted, and pray for the living and the dead. There are so many ways in which we can strive to love others as God has loved us!

As we prepare this Advent to celebrate the mystery of the Lord’s Incarnation, it is a fitting time to reflect on the love we have received from God and what our response to that love may be. As individuals and families, we can discern how God may be inviting us to grow in our love for others. There are many opportunities to share Christ’s love with others through our parish communities and other groups, including the many charitable ministries which offer assistance or provide services addressing the wide range of needs in our society. Maybe there is one such ministry which is uniquely suited to your own talents and interests. If so, this might be the perfect time to get involved.

I pray that this Advent may be a fruitful period of prayer and preparation for each of you, for your families, for our parishes, and for our archdiocese as a whole. May we welcome the Christ Child and know that with the love He has come to offer us, He also calls us to offer that love to our brothers and sisters here on earth. And may the peace, joy and fullness of life that only Christ can bring be yours this Advent and Christmas!



Release Date:  Nov. 7, 2023

Statement From Archbishop Schnurr on the Passage of Issue 1

The passage of Issue 1 is deeply disturbing. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has released a video statement in response. Found here. 

The text copy of the statement:

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this is Archbishop Dennis Schnurr.

The people of Ohio missed this important opportunity to demonstrate that the health and safety of women, the fundamental rights of parents, and the lives of preborn children deserve protection.  Despite this outcome, we are grateful for all of you who prayed, educated yourselves and others, and voted NO on this horrific amendment.  And we praise God for the gift of His great love and mercy which He continues to pour out to us in good times and in bad.

The passage of Issue 1 shows that there remains a desperate need for conversion of hearts and minds to a culture of life in our country, one that respects the inherent dignity and sacredness of every human being from conception to natural death.  This conversion will only come about through the witness of our earnest prayer and compassionate care for the most vulnerable among us.  I urge everyone in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to redouble support for the many Catholic ministries that provide material resources and personal accompaniment to women, children and families so that abortion ceases to be a consideration.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, graciously help us build a culture of life and a civilization of love to the praise and glory of God, the Creator of all.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the 51st largest Catholic diocese in the country, with around 435,000 Catholics, and has the fifth largest Catholic school system in terms of enrollment with nearly 40,000 students.  The 19-county territory includes 206 canonical parishes organized into 57 Families of Parishes, and 109 Catholic primary and secondary schools.


­Jennifer Schack

Director of Media Relations

Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Office | 513.263.6618

Cell | 859.512.5626

[email protected]

W H A T | 24-hour Prayer Vigil

W H E N | Beginning Monday, Nov. 6, at 7 p.m. until Tuesday, Nov. 7, at 7:30 p.m.

W H E R E | St. Gertrude Church: 6543 Miami Ave. Madeira, OH 45243

Release Date:  Nov. 3, 2023

24-Hour Prayer Vigil Heading into Election Day

Catholics from across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will be gathering at churches over the coming days to pray for the protection of human life and dignity and the defeat of Issue 1. Churches across the archdiocese are holding prayer services, holy hours, and prayer vigils over the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 6 and 7. A listing of prayer services can be found here.

A 24-hour prayer vigil will be held at St. Gertrude in Madeira beginning at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 6 and lasting until 7:30 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 7. Worshipers will be praying alongside the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima that will be visiting the parish. The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima has traveled the world bringing the graces of the apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. The traveling statue brings the message of hope, peace and salvation to the millions of people who have never had the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to Fatima.

The 24-hour prayer vigil at St. Gertrude will include an opening presentation about the statue, eucharistic adoration, hourly recitation of the Rosary, daily Mass at 7 a.m, 8 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 7 and closing benediction beginning at 7:30 p.m. A complete schedule of the prayer vigil can be found here:  https://www.stgertrude.org/fatima.

Nov. 7 is also the conclusion of the 54-Day Rosary Novena. More than 15,000 Catholics from across the state of Ohio have been praying a rosary each day for 54 days for the protection of life and defeat of Issue 1. The 54-Day Rosary Novena began on Sept. 15 and concludes November 7.

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has been strongly opposed to Issue 1. Archbishop Schnurr has been urging Catholics throughout western and southwestern Ohio to pray for an increase in respect for human life and dignity, educate themselves and others about the dangers of the proposed amendment and vote NO on Issue 1 on or before November 7.

To learn more about why the Archdiocese of Cincinnati opposes Issue 1 please visit www.WhereDoesItSayThat.com and www.catholicaoc.org/VoteNO. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati there are more than 30 pro-life centers that assist pregnant women and families in need of assistance. More information about archdiocesan resources for women can be found on the For Life page of our website.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the 51st largest Catholic diocese in the country, with around 435,000 Catholics, and has the fifth largest Catholic school system in terms of enrollment with nearly 40,000 students.  The 19-county territory includes 206 canonical parishes organized into 57 Families of Parishes, and 109 Catholic primary and secondary schools.




Jennifer Schack

Director of Media Relations

Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Office | 513.263.6618

Cell | 859.512.5626

[email protected]


Michelle Dushensky

Director of Communications

St. Gertrude Parish

Office | 513.561.5954 ext. 2121

[email protected]

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