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Campus, Hospital, and Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry

The incarcerated receive support through RCIA classes, the celebration of Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and other faith-based programs. The ministry serves at Lebanon Correctional, Warren Correctional, and Dayton Correctional Institutions.

…to read more about the personal impact of Prison Ministry, click HERE.

Hospital Ministry

Catholic chaplains and lay pastoral ministers at local hospitals offer prayers, the sacraments, companionship during a hospital stay, and a listening presence to those in need.

With the support from the CMA, 10 local hospitals benefit from our Hospital Ministry:

  • UC Medical Center, Cincinnati
  • Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati
  • Bethesda North
  • UC West Chester  
  • Christ Hospital, Cincinnati
  • Mercy Health West
  • Jewish Hospital 
  • Summit Behavioral Center  
  • Kettering Network Hospitals – Dayton 
  • Miami Valley Hospital – Dayton 

…to read more about the personal impact of Hospital Ministry, click HERE.


College students have opportunities to continue growing in their Catholic faith and deepen their relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of your support to the CMA, we have a Catholic presence at local, non-Catholic universities — University of Cincinnati, Miami University, and Wright State University.

Why are the Catholic Universities not part of the CMA funding?
The four Catholic institutions of higher education in the Archdiocese — University of Dayton, Xavier University, Mount St. Joseph University and the Athenaeum of Ohio — all provide ministry as part of their mission and identity as Catholic Institutions. The CMA helps fund campus ministry at the non-Catholic, state schools in the Archdiocese.

…to read more about the personal impact of Campus Ministry, click HERE.