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Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA)

What is the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA)?

The Catholic Ministries Appeal is the annual campaign to support six local ministries that teach, feed, and heal. All parishes of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati join together to invite participation in this vital appeal.

Ways to Support the CMA

Make a gift by mail or at Mass:

Gifts to the CMA can be returned through your parish’s offertory basket at Mass or mailed to:

Catholic Ministries Appeal
100 East 8th Street, 2nd Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Donate Online

Make a secure online pledge or one-time gift with a credit card or electronic check (ACH)


Text “DONATE” to 513-586-1978 and follow the prompts to give by text.

Stock Donations

Last year, 28 households donated stock to the CMA for a total value
of more than $60,000!

Charitable IRA Rollover

Donors age 70 ½ or older may qualify to make a charitable gift directly
from an IRA to the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Please consult your tax
advisor to see if this gift option is right for you.