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“And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Leadership of The Archdiocese

The Holy Father entrusts the governance of the Archdiocese to the Archbishop, who is a successor of the Apostles and is responsible for the ministry of teaching, sanctifying and governing the diocese. The Archbishop chooses men and women, both ordained and lay, to assist him in this ministry.

Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr
Archbishop of Cincinnati

Vicar General

Father Steve J. Angi


Deans collaborate with the Archbishop in the pastoral care of the faithful. Within a defined portion of the diocese known as a “deanery,” the dean attends to the needs and concerns of the priests, coordinates the common pastoral activities of the parishes, and ensures that parochial discipline is observed, particularly with regard to the liturgy.

Father Sean Wilson

St. Augustine

Father Brian W. Phelps


Father Richard W. Walling

St. Joseph A
(Central A)

Father Larry R. Tharp

St. Joseph B
(Central B)

Father Thomas C. Nolker

St. James A
(Southwest A)

Father Matthew J. Robben

St. James B
(Southwest B)

Father Jan K. Schmidt

Cathedral A
(South A)

Father Steve J. Angi

Cathedral B
(South B)

Father P. Del Staigers

St. Mary A
(Southeast A)

Father Thomas M. Mannebach

St. Mary B
(Southeast B)


The Pastoral Center provides servant leadership to the Archdiocese and assists the Archbishop in carrying out his pastoral ministry. The various departments offer resources, services and guidance to the parishes, schools and other ministries of the diocese in their efforts to proclaim the Word of God, celebrate the sacraments and exercise the ministry of charity.

Mike Schafer

Communication & Evangelization

Matt Daniels

Superintendent of Schools

Father Jason Williams

Executive Services

Tom Jennings

Financial Services

Rob Reid

Human Resources

Tony Stieritz

Life, Human Dignity & Charity

Father Jan K. Schmidt

Pastoral Vitality

David Kissell

Stewardship & Giving


The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (APC) is a representative body of the Archdiocese, comprised of constituents from every deanery, whose mission is to advise the Archbishop on matters both spiritual and temporal. The council provides a forum to reflect the opinions and judgments of the faithful in areas of planning, policy and decision-making.

The APC is comprised of the following members:

  • The Archbishop (non-voting)
  • The Executive Secretary (non-voting)
  • One layman and one laywoman from each deanery
  • Five parish priests
  • Two women religious
  • One religious brother
  • One permanent deacon

Other members may be appointed by the Archbishop and the APC Executive Committee as needed.

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