Defend Ohio this November

Use the resources below at home, work and in parishes to help defeat Issue 1, a radical constitutional amendment on the November ballot that threatens the health and safety of women, the rights of parents and the lives of children across Ohio. Please pray, educate yourselves and others, and Vote NO on Issue 1 this November.


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Homily Resources

Where can we find god?

Fr. Jacob Lindle

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Christ as Our Coach

Fr. Roger Lopez, OFM

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A Reason for Heaven to Rejoice

Fr. Jacob Boddicker, S.J.

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Issue 1 Does not align with our values

Fr. Kevin Scalf, C.PP.S.

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Calling all men and women of good will

Fr. John Paul Walker, O.P.

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The fundamental reality of our lives

Fr. Sean Wilson

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yourself and others about the dangers of this amendment

Know the Facts about Issue 1

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Where Does It Say That With FAQ (Two Sided)

Video resources

Know the Facts about Issue 1 Video

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Answering Your Issue 1 Questions

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Legal Explanation of issue 1

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A Sin Against the Destiny of a Nation

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The truth about Miscarriage Care

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Medicine and Politics

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Print resources

Where does it say that document

Ohio Bishops Letter on Issue 1

February 23, 2023

Letter from Archbishop Schnurr

August 12, 2023

Additional resources

Bulletin Covers

How the Archdiocese Ministers to Women

We must reaffirm Commitment to Human Life

April 23, 2023


Issue 1 is a proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution that would endanger the health and safety of women, threaten parental rights, and allow for abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Ohioans will vote on November 7, 2023, whether to make this change to the Ohio Constitution.

Put women at risk:

Health and safety standards in Ohio could be eliminated. Doctors could no longer need to examine a woman or explain the risks of the abortion procedure ahead of time.

Threaten parental rights:

A fifteen-year-old could have an abortion without her parents knowing. Current Ohio law requires parental notification and consent before a child under 18 can obtain an abortion. These parental right protections could be removed as they directly conflict with the amendment which would allow all individuals, including minors, to make their own reproductive decisions.

Allow for abortions of fully formed babies:

Abortion would be legal through all 9 months of pregnancy. Physicians at an abortion clinic could use a woman’s age or emotional well-being as a reason to perform an abortion in the 3rd trimester.

If Issue 1 does not pass, abortion would still be legal in Ohio until a baby’s heartbeat can be detected. This standard was challenged in court and placed on hold, allowing for abortions up to 22 weeks as of September 15, 2023. Current laws that protect the safety of women and parental rights would stay in effect.

Issue 1 goes dangerously beyond what was legalized in the Roe v. Wade ruling. It opens the door to remove important health and safety measures that protect women, threatens parental consent and notification of any minor seeking an abortion, and allows for abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.

The passing or failure of Issue 1 will have no effect on the care a pregnant woman receives when her life is in danger, even if the treatment results in the loss of life of her unborn child. There is a fundamental difference between an elective abortion and the care provided after a miscarriage. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the life-affirming option is to surgically remove the mother’s fallopian tube in which the embryo has implanted. No law restricts this care in Ohio or any other state in the country.

For decades, numerous Catholic social service agencies, in collaboration with faith-based and secular organizations, have assisted pregnant women in need with material resources and personal accompaniment during pregnancy and after their child is born. Project Rachel helps those struggling post-abortion. Every woman should be able to depend upon a community for support and the Catholic Church remains committed to woman in need. Learn more:

Each diocese in Ohio is working together, through the Catholic Conference of Ohio, to help Catholics understand the dangers of Issue 1 to women, parents, and life. We are also part of the Protect Women Ohio coalition to let all voters know Issue 1 is harmful for Ohioans.

  1. PRAY & Fast
  2. EDUCATE Yourself and TELL OTHERS about the dangers of Issue 1
  3. Register & VOTE NO on Issue 1

Read the full text of the proposed change to the Ohio Constitution and learn about the concerning language that puts women at risk, threatens parental rights, and allows for abortions through all nine months of pregnancy: Download the “Where Does It Say That” document to learn more.

Vote No

on Issue 1 and make sure your voice is heard

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Margie Christie

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