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December 3, 2020

On Giving Tuesday, December 1, over 130 organizations took part in the annual #GIVECatholicAOC giving day initiative here in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. A collective total of $1.4 million was raised from over 3,000 donors!

November 6, 2020

Deacon William (Bill) Renneker, a Deacon of the Archdiocese, died on Tuesday, October 27, 2020. Deacon Renneker was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate on June 25, 1983.  He was most recently assigned…

November 1, 2020

As we near the end of 2020, perhaps most of us are eager to see the completion of a troubling year that has brought great trials and deep pain to so many. And yet, even at this challenging time of COVID-19, job losses and . . . .

October 16, 2020

Reverend George Schommer, O.P., Pastor of St. Gertrude Parish, Madeira….

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