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May 28, 2021

The annual Gate of Heaven Cemetery Memorial Day Field Mass will be celebrated on Monday, May 31. The outdoor wreath laying ceremony and Mass have been celebrated at Gate of Heaven Cemetery for more than five decades. After being unable to hold the Mass in 2020 . . .

May 15, 2021

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati joyfully celebrated the ordination of seven new priests on Saturday May 15, 2021. The men were ordained to the priesthood for service to God and the Church. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr . . .

May 14, 2021

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr has decreed that for the faithful of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati the obligation to attend Sunday and Holy Day Mass is reinstated, beginning with the Sunday Masses of June 6 . . .

May 1, 2021

It is quite fitting that Mother’s Day in the U.S. is celebrated during May, the month in which we especially honor Mary – Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of the Church and our Blessed Mother. Mary is often called the first disciple, but she is much more. . . .

April 29, 2021

My Dear Friends in Christ, The sin of racism is a “particularly destructive and persistent form of evil” in our country.  In our pastoral letter, Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love, the bishops of the nation explained . . .

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