Archbishop José H. Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are taking an active interest in this upcoming Sunday’s big game. Both archbishops are enthusiastically rooting for their home team and . . .
The pandemic-necessitated change from physical to virtual interactions in business, education and even entertainment reminded us that in-person communication is the fullest and best form of communication. That is why . . .
Catholic school students, teachers, and school communities throughout the 19-county Archdiocese of Cincinnati are celebrating the 48th annual Catholic Schools Week from January 30 through February 5 under the theme “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.” The 112 Catholic elementary . . .
Catholic schools have a well-deserved reputation for providing a high-quality, holistic education and producing successful, well-rounded young scholars. The most important thing about Catholic schools, however, is that they are Catholic. Our mission is not to just graduate scholars, but to form disciples who desire to know, love and serve Jesus in His Church.