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Catherine Connette

Catherine Connette

August 9, 2019

Office of The Archbishop
100 East Eighth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
513-421-3131 Ext. 2810

Dear Friends in Christ,

You have likely seen the news that Father Geoff Drew, former pastor of St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish (Monfort Heights), was placed on a leave of absence effective July 23. We have made mistakes in our handling of this matter, and for that I am deeply sorry. This week, I have made changes in both personnel and allegation-handling procedures to ensure that these mistakes never happen again.

The decision to remove Fr. Drew as pastor of St. Ignatius was taken because of reports that he had engaged in a pattern of “grooming” behavior in violation of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Decree on Child Protection. Although the archdiocesan chancery office has received no allegations or evidence of criminal behavior relative to Father Drew, consistent with archdiocesan standard procedure in such matters, all information we received was promptly reported to the civil authorities.

Naturally, there have been many questions surrounding this incident. In an effort to address these questions, we have created an online resource where you can read the full timeline of events that led to the decision to place Father Drew on a leave of absence. You can also find additional information about where Father Drew has served in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the next steps for Father Drew moving forward, and information on what will occur regarding new pastoral leadership for St. Ignatius Parish.

Please visit: www.catholiccincinnati.org/ministries-offices/communication-office/

As your archbishop, I want you to know that I am acutely aware of the pain and distress that you rightfully feel due to the events of these past weeks. The protection of young people is of paramount importance and cannot be compromised. If you suspect abuse on the part of any agent of the Archdiocese, please report it to the appropriate civil authorities, as well as to the Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse in the Archdiocese at 513-263-6623 or 1-800-686-2724, ext. 6623. If you see something, please say something.

In this very difficult and stressful time, let us turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary for her intercession and to the Holy Spirit for guidance and consolation. May God bless and keep you.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr
Archbishop of Cincinnati

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Jennifer Schack
Director of Media Relations
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Office | 513.263.6618
Cell | 859.512.5626
[email protected]

Release Date: August 5, 2019

Archdiocese responds to Fr. Drew being placed on a leave of absence

Review of Fr. Drew’s Assignments – Handout

  • Music Minister at St. Jude Parish – 1984-1999
  • Music Teacher at Elder High School – 1988-1991
  • Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West – 1999-2004
  • Internship year at St. Anthony, Madisonville – 2001-02
  • Ordained a priest of the Archdiocese – May 2004
  • Parochial Vicar at St. Luke, Beavercreek – July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
  • Pastor of St. Rita, Dayton – July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2009
  • Pastor of St. Maximilian Kolbe, Liberty Township – July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2018
  • Pastor of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Cincinnati – appointed July 1, 2018

Archbishop Schnurr Quote:

“It’s obvious that in this matter we have handled things very, very poorly, made serious mistakes. And for that I am deeply, deeply apologetic. I’m deeply sorry. I’m sorry for the pain that this has caused so many people.”

“I want to assure everybody that we have learned from this experience and that we are making necessary procedural and personnel changes that are, indeed, necessary to not repeat it.”

“To the people who have been impacted by this, I express my deep sorrow and my deep apologies.”


• In 2013 and again in 2015, the central office of the archdiocese received concerns from St. Maximilian Kolbe parishioners regarding Fr. Drew’s behavior. The alleged behavior involved a pattern of such things as uninvited bear hugs, shoulder massages, patting of the leg above the knee, and Office of Communication & Mission Promotion PRESS RELEASE inappropriate sexual comments about one’s body or appearance, directed at teenage boys. This behavior naturally made these boys uncomfortable. In addition, there was a report of Fr. Drew texting some of the boys “teasing them about girlfriends.”

• The concerns reported to the central office were promptly forwarded to the Butler County Prosecutor’s Office and Butler County Children’s Services. The investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office found no evidence of criminal behavior. Having received notice that the Prosecutor’s Office had concluded its investigation, we should have investigated either on our own or through a third party. We failed by not doing so. (Note: Conducting a third-party investigation in such a circumstance has been our standard operating procedure for the past year.)

• Bishop Binzer, in his role as Director of Priest Personnel, addressed Fr. Drew’s behavior with him on two separate occasions prior to 2018. Fr. Drew said that he was unaware of the concerns of the parishioners and said that he would change his behavior.

• The central offices of the archdiocese received no complaints about Fr. Drew from October 2015 until August 2018.

• With the departure of Fr. St. George as pastor, St. Ignatius became what is known as “open listed.” That is, the Priest Personnel Board advertised the open position to the priests of the archdiocese and invited indications of interest. Fr. Drew indicated to the Board that he would like to be considered. Fr. Drew said that his mother lives close to the parish and he would like to move closer to her. He was not asked to leave St. Max. Under our policy, he could have stayed at St. Max for an additional 3 years.

• In August 2018, the month after Fr. Drew was assigned as pastor of St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish, the central office received a complaint via letter from a St. Maximilian Kolbe parishioner essentially reiterating the 2015 and earlier concerns. This letter was turned over to the Butler County Prosecutor’s Office for investigation.

• In September 2018, at the recommendation of the Butler County Prosecutor, Fr. Drew was asked to restrict his involvement with the school during the investigation and was assigned a “monitor” – essentially for accountability – with whom to regularly meet. Our acceptance of this recommendation, combined with inadequate oversight, was obviously ineffective and a mistake, and we will not repeat it.

• In October 2018, Bishop Binzer received a letter from a St. Ignatius parishioner describing her son-inlaw’s very negative reaction to Fr. Drew dating back to his experiences with then-Mr. Geoff Drew at Elder High School. The son-in-law stated that Fr. Drew inappropriately touched his leg and made him feel very uncomfortable. This letter was promptly forwarded to the Butler County Prosecutor to inform their investigation which was in progress.

• Fr. Angi received the Butler County Prosecutor’s investigation report in early February 2019. The Prosecutor’s Office again found no evidence of criminal behavior.

• Because the allegations involved possible violations of the Decree on Child Protection, Fr. Angi commissioned Strategic HR – an independent investigation firm used by many organizations and major corporations – to investigate. This investigation began in February 2019. Fr. Drew was asked to continue to restrict his involvement with the school during this investigation.

• In May 2019, Fr. Angi received the investigation report from Strategic HR. The investigation uncovered no criminal behavior, but recommended that Fr. Drew be provided professional and targeted counseling surrounding his emotional IQ and how he interacts with people in the way he communicates and physical interactions. Fr. Drew began attending counseling sessions with a psychologist in June 2019.

• In June 2019, while Fr. Drew was in counseling, a complaint was received by the central office from a St. Ignatius family alleging that Fr. Drew had texted their teenage son. This complaint was immediately turned over to the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office. Their investigation confirmed the texting – which is a violation of the Decree on Child Protection – but revealed no criminal behavior on the part of Fr. Drew. The content of the messages was innocuous.

• Given the pattern of behavior in contradiction to the Decree on Child Protection, Archbishop Schnurr removed Fr. Drew as pastor of St. Ignatius on July 23, placing him on a leave of absence and ordering him sent for comprehensive physical, psychological and spiritual evaluation at an independent inpatient treatment facility.

• On July 31, 2019, Deacon Tim Helmick was named Temporary Administrator of St. Ignatius parish.

• We obviously made serious mistakes in our handling of this matter, including:

  • In 2013 and 2015, we should have launched an independent third-party investigation of Fr. Drew and not relied solely on the criminal investigations.
  • In 2018, when we put restrictions on Fr. Drew’s interaction with the children of St. Ignatius, we should have put much stronger verification in place, including telling certain St. Ignatius parish and school leaders.

Moving Forward –

• Moving forward, we will not have any monitored or restricted priests. If there are serious concerns that have the semblance of truth, the priest will be put on leave pending investigation and will be subject to appropriate action based on the results of the investigation and other circumstances. This is consistent with how we treat serious allegations against lay staff members today. There must be one consistent standard of conduct whether one is a priest or a lay person.

• We are also working on personnel and procedural changes to be announced in the very near future to ensure that every member of the Priest Personnel Board has complete insight into a priest’s background and profile before an assignment is made. These changes include adding lay people to the Board.

• At my request, Fr. Angi will be commissioning Strategic HR to conduct an independent investigation of Fr. Drew back to his employment as music minister at St. Jude parish. This includes Fr. Drew’s employment at Elder High School.

We ask that the media to share the following:

Please report suspicious or criminal allegations to:

Mr. Mark Piepmeier
Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office
[email protected]

Ms. Teresa Maley
Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse, Archdiocese of Cincinnati
[email protected]
513.263.6623 or 1.800.686.2724 ext. 6623

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the 44th largest Catholic diocese in the country, with more than 450,000 Catholics, and has the fifth largest Catholic school system in terms of enrollment with more than 40,000 students. The 19-county territory includes 211 parishes and 111 Catholic primary and secondary schools.

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Fr. Geoff Drew – Employment and Assignment Overview

• Music Minister at St. Jude Parish – 1984-1999
• Music Teacher at Elder High School – 1988-1991
• Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West – 1999-2004
• Internship year at St. Anthony, Madisonville – 2001-02
• Ordained a priest of the Archdiocese – May 2004
• Parochial Vicar at St. Luke, Beavercreek – July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
• Pastor of St. Rita, Dayton – July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2009
• Pastor of St. Maximilian Kolbe, Liberty Township – July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2018
• Pastor of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Cincinnati – appointed July 1, 2018

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Fr. Geoff Drew – Sequence of Events

• In 2013 and again in 2015, the central office of the archdiocese received concerns from St. Maximilian Kolbe parishioners regarding Fr. Drew’s behavior. The alleged behavior involved a pattern of such things as uninvited bear hugs, shoulder massages, patting of the leg above the knee, and inappropriate sexual comments about one’s body or appearance, directed at teenage boys. This behavior naturally made these boys uncomfortable. In addition, there was a report of Fr. Drew texting some of the boys “teasing them about girlfriends.”

• The concerns reported to the central office were promptly forwarded to the Butler County Prosecutor’s Office and Butler County Children’s Services. The investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office found no evidence of criminal behavior and the Butler County Children’s Services decided not to open an investigation.

• Bishop Binzer, in his role as Director of Priest Personnel, addressed Fr. Drew’s behavior with him on two separate occasions prior to 2018. Fr. Drew said that he was unaware of the concerns of the parishioners and said that he would change his behavior.

• The central offices of the archdiocese received no complaints about Fr. Drew from October 2015 until August 2018.

• With the departure of the previous pastor, St. Ignatius became what is known as “open listed.” That is, the Priest Personnel Board advertised the open position to the priests of the archdiocese and invited indications of interest. Fr. Drew indicated to the Board that he would like to be considered. Fr. Drew said that his elderly mother lives close to the parish and he would like to move closer to her. He was not asked to leave St. Max. Under our policy, he could have stayed at St. Max for an additional 3 years.

• In August 2018, the month after Fr. Drew was assigned as pastor of St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish, the central office received a complaint via letter from a St. Maximilian Kolbe parishioner essentially reiterating the 2015 and earlier concerns. This was the first time that Archbishop Schnurr learned of Fr. Drew’s alleged behavior. This letter was turned over to the Butler County Prosecutor’s Office for investigation.

• In September 2018, at the recommendation of the Butler County Prosecutor, Fr. Drew was asked to restrict his involvement with the school and was assigned a “monitor” – essentially for accountability – with whom to regularly meet.

• In October 2018, Bishop Binzer received a letter from a St. Ignatius parishioner describing her son-inlaw’s very negative reaction to Fr. Drew dating back to his experiences with then-Mr. Geoff Drew at Elder High School. The son-in-law stated that Mr. Drew inappropriately touched his leg and made him feel very uncomfortable. This letter was promptly forwarded to the Butler County Prosecutor to inform their investigation which was in progress.

• The central office received the Butler County Prosecutor’s investigation report in early February 2019. The Prosecutor’s Office again found no evidence of criminal behavior.

• Because the allegations involved possible violations of the Decree on Child Protection, the archdiocese retained Strategic HR – an independent investigation firm used by many organizations and corporations – to investigate. This investigation began in February 2019. Fr. Drew was asked to continue to restrict his involvement with the school during this investigation.

• In May 2019, the central office received the investigation report from Strategic HR. The investigation uncovered no criminal behavior, but recommended that Fr. Drew be provided professional and targeted counseling surrounding his emotional IQ regarding how he interacts with people in both the way he communicates and physically. Fr. Drew began attending counseling sessions with a psychologist in June 2019.

• In June 2019, while Fr. Drew was in counseling, a complaint was received by the central office from a St. Ignatius family alleging that Fr. Drew had texted their teenage son. This complaint was immediately turned over to the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office. Their investigation confirmed the texting – which is a violation of the Decree on Child Protection – but revealed no criminal behavior on the part of Fr. Drew. The content of the text messages was innocuous.

• Given the pattern of behavior in contradiction to the Decree on Child Protection, Archbishop Schnurr removed Fr. Drew as pastor of St. Ignatius on July 23, placing him on a leave of absence and ordering him sent for comprehensive physical, psychological and spiritual evaluation at an independent in-patient treatment facility.

• On July 31, 2019, Deacon Tim Helmick was named Temporary Administrator of St. Ignatius parish.

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July 31, 2019

Office of The Archbishop
100 East Eighth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
513-421-3131 Ext 2810

Dear Family of St. Ignatius Parish,

Effective immediately, I am appointing Deacon Tim Helmick as temporary administrator of St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish. Deacon Tim will have all of the administrative authority of a pastor until such time as a permanent pastor is identified and appointed. Father Dave Kobak, OFM, will continue as parochial vicar and minister to the pastoral needs of the parish. I am deeply grateful to both Deacon Tim and Father Dave for their dedication and caring service to the people of St. Ignatius.

On Tuesday, July 23, I placed Father Geoff Drew on a leave of absence due to behavior that violated our Decree on Child Protection. Father Drew will not be returning to St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish. Father Drew will soon undergo a complete physical, psychological and spiritual assessment at an independent in-patient treatment facility. That assessment, along with the recommendations of the professionals treating Father Drew, will be provided to me as input for deciding the appropriate next steps.

We have received no allegation of criminal behavior on the part of Father Drew. We are committed to investigating fully any allegations, criminal or otherwise, that we receive. If you know of, or learn anything, suspicious or criminal regarding Father Drew, please report it to Mr. Mark Piepmeier at the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office. Mr. Piepmeier may be reached directly at 513-946-3078 or [email protected].

I am acutely aware of the pain and distress that you rightfully feel due to this matter, and for that I am deeply sorry. Please know of my prayers during this very difficult and stressful time for the St. Ignatius family, and for all of us. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, patroness of the Catholic Church in the United States, continue to intercede for us. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and protect us.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr
Archbishop of Cincinnati

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