Offices of the Archdiocese > SAFE ENVIRONMENT

Safe Environment

The Safe Environment Office serves the Archdiocese of Cincinnati by assisting the archbishop in fostering an environment in all archdiocesan institutions and ministries in which children and vulnerable adults are treated with respect and dignity and protected from harmful and abusive behavior.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati regards child abuse in all its forms as gravely sinful and criminal. Anyone who knows of or suspects child abuse by a legitimate member of the clergy or hierarchy, employee or volunteer of the archdiocese should first report the abuse to the appropriate secular legal authority and then to Report Misconduct.
If you are a victim of abuse or have suffered abuse in the past, please contact the archdiocesan Ministry to Survivors of Abuse coordinator, Ms. Teresa Maley, at (513) 263-6623 or 1-800-686-2724 ext. 6623.
Bill Mitchell
DirectorAmy Underhill
Safe Environment SpecialistWHO WE SERVE
Parishes, schools, pastors, priests, deacons, business managers, school administrators and staff, coaches, parish and school local safe environment coordinators, parents, grandparents, family members, volunteers and all those involved in activities concerning youth and vulnerable adults throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
- Implement the requirements of the Decree on Child Protection throughout the archdiocese.
- Oversee and monitor compliance with the ongoing required training for clerics, employees and volunteers on recognizing the signs of abuse of children and vulnerable adults.
- Sponsor training and background checks for all archdiocesan employees and volunteers.
- Oversee fingerprinting of all archdiocesan employees.
- Provide guidelines for creating safe environments in parishes and schools.
- Receive and pursue appropriate follow-up on allegations of abuse on the part of any agent(s) of the archdiocese.
- Collaborate with a network of local safe environment coordinators in each parish.
- Serve as an ex officio member of the Child Protection Review Board.
- Train children in Catholic schools and religious education programs on warning signs and appropriate responses for their own protection.
- Coordinate the onsite audit of policies and procedures by an independent auditing firm.