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Offices of the Archdiocese

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Respect Life Ministries

Respect Life Ministries


The Office for Respect Life Ministries serves the Archdiocese of Cincinnati by helping Catholic organizations, parishes, families and our community at large foster a consistent ethic of life. We do this by educating, increasing awareness, and providing resources. This consistent ethic of life respects the dignity and value of all human beings, from natural conception to natural death.



Lisa Averion

Associate Director, Persons with Disabilities

Fr. Charles M. Onumaegbu

Chaplain for Deaf Ministry

Emily Branscum

Associate Director, Respect Life


Priests, deacons, pastoral staff, volunteers, schools, Respect Life coordinators, pregnancy care centers and people facing life issues


The Office for Respect Life Ministries focuses its efforts around the USCCB’s Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities. This document encourages individuals, families, parishes and the Church at large to work toward a consistent ethic of life by combating the many societal issues that disregard the integrity of every human person. These issues include, but are not limited to: abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, bioethical issues, capital punishment, end of life, human trafficking, bereavement, domestic violence, palliative care, Project Rachel, and substance abuse. 

The Pastoral Plan contains four major “pillars” that the bishops have set forth as elements necessary for authentic Catholic pro-life efforts in the United States. Here are the four pillars and what we do to in each area:

  • Public Information & Education: Educate parishes, staff members and volunteers on Respect Life issues.
  • Pastoral Care: Direct care for those in need, such as women in crisis pregnancies or who have suffered the effects of abortion, families with children with special needs, and those who are dying.
  • Public Policy: Work to effect change in laws to protect the unborn, the disabled and the dying.
  • Prayer & Worship: Develop programs of communal and individual prayer and organize celebrations that direct us all toward continued participation in the sacramental life of the Church.

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