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Closure of St. Joseph Catholic School in Cincinnati

Release Date:   June 29, 2023

Closure of St. Joseph Catholic School in Cincinnati

St. Joseph Catholic School, operated by St. Joseph Parish in the West End of Cincinnati, will be closing for the 2023-2024 school year.

The pastor, parish council and parish finance committee of St. Joseph Parish – in consultation with the Catholic Schools Office of the archdiocese – recommended the closure of St. Joseph Catholic School for the upcoming school year. In accordance with archdiocesan procedures, the recommendation for closure was submitted and accepted by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr.

In the spring of 2023, a facility concern involving the roof and tuckpointing of St. Joseph Catholic School was brought to the attention of school leadership. A professional engineering firm was hired to conduct a Facility Conditions Assessment in May of 2023. St. Joseph Catholic School is operating in a building that is 125 years old. The assessment included inspection of the architectural, electrical, technology, mechanical and plumbing systems in use, as well as site conditions.

The Assessment concluded that most of the school building’s mechanical systems are at the end of their functional life and therefore must be repaired, upgraded, or replaced. Additionally, the roof is in need of total replacement, along with a large amount of tuckpointing, in order to make the building watertight. $2.5 million in renovations must be completed to bring the school building up to minimum standards.

“It is with great sadness that St. Joseph Catholic School is closing for the upcoming school year,” said Ms. Susan Gibbons, Superintendent of Catholic Schools. “St. Joseph has been a rich and beautiful example of Catholic ministry during its long history. The Catholic Schools Office remains committed to supporting the students, families, staff and community of St. Joseph Catholic School.”

St. Joseph Catholic School is one of the oldest Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The parish was established in 1846 and the school opened the following year in 1847.

Fr. Rodolpho Coaquira-Hilaje M.C.C.J., pastor of St. Joseph Parish, has informed the staff, parish and school families of the upcoming closure.  “The decision to close St. Joseph Catholic School for the 2023-2024 school year is heartbreaking, but the decision became necessary for the safety and well-being of the students and staff. St. Joseph Parish will continue to explore future options.”

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the 51st largest Catholic diocese in the country, with around 435,000 Catholics, and has the fifth largest Catholic school system in terms of enrollment with nearly 40,000 students.  The 19-county territory includes 208 canonical parishes organized into 57 Families of Parishes, and 110 Catholic primary and secondary schools.

Jennifer Schack

Director of Media Relations

Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Office | 513.263.6618

Cell | 859.512.5626

[email protected]



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