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Mass of Installation of Most Reverend Robert G. Casey

W H A T | Mass of Installation of Most Rev. Robert G. Casey

W H E N | Thursday, April 3 at 2 p.m.

W H E R E | Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains: 325 W. 8th St., Cincinnati OH


Release Date:  March 26, 2025

Mass of Installation of Most Reverend Robert G. Casey


On Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025, it was announced that Most Reverend Robert G. Casey has been appointed the eleventh Bishop and tenth Metropolitan Archbishop of Cincinnati following the acceptance of the retirement of Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. The Mass of Installation of Most Reverend Robert G. Casey will take place at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains on Thursday, April 3 at 2 p.m.

Due to space constraints at the Cathedral Basilica and to ensure adequate room for Archbishop-designate Casey’s guests, attendance at the Mass is by invitation only. However, a livestream broadcast will be available at https://youtube.com/live/SPHDDIdOl6s?feature=share. The Mass begins at 2 p.m., with the livestream starting at 1:30 p.m. to include prelude music.

Approximately 1,000 guests are expected to attend the two-hour liturgy at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains. Attendees will include family and friends of Archbishop-designate Casey, two Cardinals, more than 30 bishops and more than 250 priests, deacons, and religious knights, as well as civic and ecumenical leaders, local college presidents, representatives from religious orders and ministries of the archdiocese, and more than 350 parishioners representing the 199 parishes of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Media details:

  • A limited number of media reporters will be permitted entrance to the Mass of Installation with advance registration. Please contact Jennifer Schack at 513.263.6618 or [email protected] to register. Upon entrance to the Mass of Installation, you will be given media credentials.
  • Video media footage of the Mass of Installation will be done through a video pool that will be organized by WLWT-TV. No additional media videographers and no media photographers will be permitted to attend.
  • Media is permitted to broadcast the livestream of the Mass of Installation that will be available on our YouTube channel. No credits are needed in rebroadcasting the livestream.
  • The Communication Office of the archdiocese will release photos to the media of the Mass of Installation shortly after it concludes.
  • Pending good weather, an outdoor procession is planned to begin the liturgy. More than 250 priests, deacons and knights will process down 8th street (between the cathedral and city hall) and then enter the cathedral from the 8th street entrance. All media is welcome to be outdoors getting footage of the procession. It is expected to go from 2:00 – 2:15 p.m.
  • No media interviews with Archbishop-designate Casey will be given on Thursday, April 3.


Media facts about the leadership of Archbishop Schnurr:

  • Archbishop Schnurr was named Coadjutor Archbishop of Cincinnati on Oct. 17, 2008. He became Archbishop of Cincinnati on Dec. 21, 2009.
  • During his 15+ years pastoring the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Archbishop Schnurr ordained 70 men to the priesthood.
  • Archbishop Schnurr, as required by Canon Law, submitted his letter of resignation upon his 75 birthday on June 21, 2023. His resignation was accepted on Feb. 12, 2025, when the Most Reverend Robert G. Casey was announced the next Archbishop of Cincinnati.


Archbishop-designate Casey’s April letter to the people of the archdiocese:


Dear friends,

As I drove from Chicago to Cincinnati on the day before the announcement of Archbishop Schnurr’s retirement and my appointment as the next Archbishop of Cincinnati, my thoughts turned toward the journey ahead. I found myself not only considering the immediate journey of the coming weeks, as I would pack up my life in the Windy City and relocate to the Queen City; I thought about the journey we share as disciples on the road of life.

Wherever we may be born and wherever our life takes us, we quickly discover that the gift of life places us in the midst of a community. Our life is connected to the lives of everyone around us, impacting our family of birth, the broader human family, and all of God’s creation. We journey together, pilgrims of hope traveling along the path of life and striving to look to the future “with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision” (Letter of the Holy Father to the President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, for the Jubilee 2025).

Centuries ago, two disciples of Jesus journeyed together on the road to Emmaus. As they made their way, they found themselves conversing and debating about many things. Their conversation surely included moments of agreement and moments of disagreement and might well have led them to go their separate ways upon arriving in Emmaus. Instead, they found themselves more united through their time together, reaching Emmaus in greater communion with one another. What happened on that journey to assist them in the discovery of true communion?

Their eyes had been opened to discover Jesus in their midst. Recognizing the presence of Christ transformed them. They no longer focused on their own words, speaking at each other with words to convince or cajole. Rather, they focused on the Living Word, the Emmanuel—God with us—calling them into communion and not competition. With the Word of God as their focus, the disciples found the ability to accompany each other on the way, walking together with Jesus on a journey to greater holiness.

We have been called to that same encounter with Christ, alive and present among us just as He was alive and present to those disciples on the road to Emmaus. Sometimes we may find ourselves like those disciples of old, focused on our own words and firm in our resolve to make our point to those with whom we are speaking. In those moments, we need to set our gaze upon Christ and give the Word of God the ability to speak through us as the source of all we say and do. Pope Francis, in his message during the Angelus of January 23, 2022, reminds us, “The Word of God is also the beacon that guides the synodal journey that has begun throughout the Church. As we strive to listen to each other with attention and discernment—because it is not about conducting an inquiry on opinions, no, but about discerning the Word, there—let us listen together to the Word of God and to the Holy Spirit.”

As I begin my journey with you in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, I look forward to discovering together the presence of Christ in our midst. With Christ to instruct and guide, I hope that we can help one another to view the world around us in the Light of Christ and experience together the blessing of being one with God and one with neighbor. With the Word of God as our inspiration and the Divine Light of Christ as our beacon, we will find our way, each step leading us out of the darkness of sin and division and into the light of reconciliation. With the assistance of God’s saints and angels, who intercede for us, I look forward to walking with you and sharing the peace, love and joy that has been offered to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Archbishop Robert G. Casey

Link to article: https://www.thecatholictelegraph.com/the-journey-to-cincinnati/99720



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