Effective March 2, 2020
- Reverend Clement Dickie, OP, temporary Parochial Administrator, St. Gertrude, Cincinnati.
Effective July 1, 2020
- Reverend Frank Amberger to Pastor of St. Mary, Arnheim, St. Michael, Ripley, and St. George, Georgetown.
- Reverend Christopher Armstrong to Spiritual Director and member of the Faculty at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary.
- Reverend Michael Cordier to Pastor of St. Joseph, Springfield, St. Raphael, Springfield, and St. Charles Borromeo, South Charleston.
- Reverend Christopher Geiger to the Formation Team and Director of Field Education and Pastoral Interns at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary.
- Reverend Jarred Kohn to Pastor of Holy Angels, Sidney.
- Reverend Ethan Moore to Pastor of St. Monica-St. George, Cincinnati.
- Reverend Paul Ruwe to Pastor of St. Charles Borromeo, Kettering.
- Reverend James Schutte to Pastor of St. Boniface, Northside (Cincinnati), while continuing as Pastor of St. Leo (Cincinnati).