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Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities

The Centre for Applied Research in the Apostolate has compiled statistics that quantify the good work done throughout the Universal Church.

Virtually every segment of society is positively impacted by ministries within the Church; education, healthcare, orphanages, food banks, mental health services, and so many other areas of life.

Right here in our communities, this happens through the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Over the last eight weeks, we have highlighted the ministries that comprise the CMA. Today, we want to spotlight Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio.

Enlisting over 800 volunteers, Catholic Charities can accomplish so much more than it could with staff alone.

In 2022, Catholic Charities served 362,436 meals. Nearly 8,000 people from Hamilton, Clermont, Brown, Adams, Highland, and Clinton Counties were served emergency food assistance.

Those numbers don’t include the thousands of health consultations provided.

Nor do they include the thousands of mental health care sessions provided.

In addition to that, Catholic Charities equips and places Foster Grandparents in early childhood centers to serve children needing extra help. This program yielded 93,000 hours of community service.

Here in the Stewardship Department, we are proud to support Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio. We’d like to invite you to support Catholic Charities through a gift to the CMA.

Click HERE to learn how the CMA supports Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio.