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Archdiocese of CINCINNATI | JULY 1 - 8

Archdiocese of CINCINNATI
JULY 1 - 8

Join the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage

Join the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage

The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage is traveling through the Archdiocese of Cincinnati!  Join the pilgrims on their journey as they accompany Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis.  Explore the pilgrimage route and the opportunities to get involved in the many events along the way.

Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains,
Fountain Square | July 6 | 10 AM - 2 PM

A Day With the Eucharist in Downtown Cincinnati

The day will begin with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains at 10 AM. Following Mass, the faithful will process with the Blessed Sacrament through downtown Cincinnati to Fountain Square. The Eucharistic Festival will kick-off with a Holy Hour that will include praise and worship music by Damascus Worship, a Eucharistic reflection by Father Jacob Lindle, and Benediction. Priests will be available for confession.  After the Holy Hour, the festival will feature a concert by popular contemporary Christian artist Jervis Campbell, games, food trucks and activities during this family-friendly celebration!
Large Print Programs
Sensory Friendly Space
Confession for the Deaf

Walking Route FAQ

A Solemn Procession will happen after Mass on most days of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage. These processions are coordinated by the Host Parish and are usually less than a mile long. For those who are unable to walk long distances, the Solemn Processions are a particularly good option. Plan to come to Mass in the morning and participate in a beautiful Procession!

The Walking Route will  follow the Solemn Processions most days. This is when the pre-selected Perpetual Pilgrims will process multiple miles to their next destination. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to join them, but it will require additional planning. The Walking Route will be anywhere from 6-10 miles per day. The Route will follow bike trails and sidewalks as well as cross intersections, and sometimes travel along roads without a sidewalk.

Everyone walks at their own risk, but there will be staff on site to direct traffic and aid in crossing intersections. There will be an RV along the route to provide emergency assistance if needed, but access to the RV should not be relied upon.

Dress for a long walk in hot weather. This means comfortable walking shoes, and breathable clothing. A hat, sunglasses, and plenty of screen is recommended. Even though individuals may be attending Mass beforehand, for one’s own safety, please dress for a long strenuous walk. Check the weather for the day planned to walk and be prepared for rain if necessary.

Bring a lot of water! Water will be available on the RV for refills, but individuals may have to walk several miles before getting access to the RV.

Bring a Rosary for prayer.

Bring snacks and lunch if needed. There is no food provided for the walking pilgrimage.

Do not bring bikes, skateboards, scooters, or anything of the like. This is a walking pilgrimage. No banners or signs, please.

You can expect time of silent prayer, shared prayer, the ability to walk with and hear from the Perpetual Pilgrims. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will also be carried in the walking pilgrimage. Individuals will have an opportunity to carry the statue. There will be breaks as needed. Adjustments the route plans will be made as needed.

Unless it becomes dangerous, the pilgrimage will continue as planned in the rain. In the event of inclement weather, a drive back to one’s car in not guaranteed. Remember, you walk at your own risk.

Individuals are responsible for arranging a ride back to their parked car at the end of the walking route.

Individuals walk at their own risk. Help is not guaranteed in the event of an emergency. With that said, there will be an RV close-by with extra water, food, a restroom, basic first aid kit, and the ability to transport. There is no guaranteed access to the RV. The RV will only be used as a last resort.

July 6 FAQ

The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration at 8:00 a.m. at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church. At 8:45 a.m. the procession to the Cathedral Basilica will begin.

There is no parking allowed in the Holy Cross-Immaculata Church parking lot. Participants can utilize street parking or there is a parking garage at 1111 St. Gregory Street (across from the UDF) for a $5 flat fee.

Please be aware that there will be no reserved pews at the Cathedral and an overflow crowd is expected for Mass.

The Walking Route will  follow the Solemn Processions most days. This is when the pre-selected Perpetual Pilgrims will process multiple miles to their next destination. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to join them, but it will require additional planning. The Walking Route will be anywhere from 6-10 miles per day. The Route will follow bike trails and sidewalks as well as cross intersections, and sometimes travel along roads without a sidewalk.

Seating is not guaranteed at the Cathedral Basilica and there will be no reserved pews except for concelebrating priests. An overflow crowd is expected. A sound system will be set up outside of the Cathedral so that the overflow crowd can participate. Holy Communion for the overflow crowd is anticipated.

The doors of the Cathedral Basilica will be open by 8:00 a.m. People are encouraged to arrive as early as possible. Please do not reserve pew space upon arrival.

The closest parking is available in the Cathedral Basilica parking lot. Access the parking lot  is limited to Seventh Street. The Plum Street entrance will be blocked off. There are also two parking garages close to the Cathedral Basilica that are accessible from Seventh Street.

Download this map of the route. The streets along the procession route will be closed as early as 9:30 a.m.

All are welcome to participate in the Eucharistic Procession to Fountain Square. Jesus is Here volunteers will be wearing pink shirts and be available to assist. They will be directing individuals where to line up for the procession. We encourage participants to find the nearest exit of the Cathedral Basilica after Mass and to line up behind the procession truck on Plum Street.

If you have an official role in the Procession, either as an acolyte/server or flower girl please come directly to Plum Street after receiving Communion, in advance of the crowd departing after Mass concludes.

These events will proceed rain or shine unless it becomes dangerous. In the case of dangerous weather, outside activities will be suspended until the weather passes or canceled entirely if necessary. Times and locations of the events will go unchanged regardless of delays.

While this event includes Holy Mass, it will also include moderate walking in summer weather. Fountain Square does not have a lot of shade. Modest summer clothing and walking shoes are recommended.

Yes. Three food trucks will be available on Fountain Square. In addition, there are also several restaurants connected to Fountain Square or within a short distance to the Square. Be prepared for large crowds.  Bringing your own snacks, food, and water is recommended

No. Non-Catholics are welcome to participate in all of the Jesus is Here events. Anyone can fully participate in the Solemn Procession and the events at Fountain Square. At Mass, non-Catholics should not receive Holy Communion.

Individuals do not have to attend all three events to participate in Jesus is Here.

Yes, we will have chairs and tables available at Fountain Square.

Thank You To Our Sponsors!

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National Eucharistic Pilgrimage

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Route

May 17 - July 16, 2024

July 17 - 21, 2024

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